Tuesday, December 15, 2015


There are many options when facing an unexpected  pregnancy. It may be helpful to understand those options and full range of your choices and their intended and unintended consequences.

Come in and speak to one of our genuinely caring, licensed professional counselors before you make a choice that will affect you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and possibly physically, for the rest of your life. Ultimately the choice is yours – we just want you to make an informed choice.

The counselor will give you ALL the facts and ALL the options. You may find what you considered insurmountable obstacles can be resolved and that your range of options is broader than you think. We are good at this – this is what we do—and we want to help.

Our counselors have the education and experience to help you with the many questions that are may be going through your head:

    I had a positive pregnancy test. What do I do? How can I afford another baby right now?
    My daughter is pregnant and her boyfriend wants her to have an abortion. What can I do and how can you help?
    I don’t have insurance, there’s no way to find medical help, right?
    I’m not ready to parent, what real choice do I have?
    I went to another agency and they suggested I have an abortion. I just don’t feel right about it but don’t know what else to do?
    What will my parents, friends and family think?
    I took the morning after pill but I don’t know if it worked.
    How far along can I be and still have an abortion?
    If I consider adoption, will I ever see my baby?

Counseling is often offered on an individual basis but you can invite another family member, the father, a friend – whomever you choose, to a counseling appointment. You may use this opportunity to address family issues that may arise with the unplanned pregnancy. Many times, the counselor is able to mediate conflict, address concerns or stressors of the family members or others, clarify choices and options and educate on community resources, for example. Sometimes it’s just comforting to make sense of this situation with another supportive person in the room. The way the free, confidential counseling is provided is determined by you and your counselor.
Collect by: http://tinyurl.com/jdzcx52


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